Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cloud computing and how it can save SME's big $$$

While we have all heard about Cloud computing rarely does it have any practical information about what makes it a winner. In the case of small to medium enterprises it can be a major benefit. If you were to look at an SME's critical systems ie. Mail server and financials typically these reside on a server or servers that require all the normal things like power, support and upgrading. You then need to do things like create firewall rules to allow remote access for users, creating security risks. Before you say it, I agree that SME's are not typically targeted by hackers, but then no single site usually is.

When you look at the total costs of acquiring the hardware and software, power, security, upgrades etc it becomes very costly and ineffective for an SME, as they don't have the luxury of in house IT staff or the buying power.

We are working closely with some of the best Cloud services to provide a flexible easily managed business environment for our clients. Box hugging should be eliminated from your psyche, the cost and inflexibility of old style IT may still work for the big end of town but SME's need to be creative, flexible and agile to prosper against large corporates.

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Friday, October 09, 2009


I've just add a page to hold our monthly newsletters. If there is a topic you would like discuss just email us via our contact us page.

Try our FREE support forum or sign up for our monthly newsletter at

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Everything is done

Our new site is up and running. Take a look and sign up for our monthly newsletter with tips and tricks for all computer issues. You can also go to our FREE computer and networking forum.

We look forward to helping you soon.

Andrew Jennings